teens junk food anton shmerkin
Food and Drink | Sample Text

Why Junk Foods Are Popular Among Teenagers?

Teens are driven to junk food from the very first time they are introduced by their parents to Ronald McDodnald as toddlers. From the beginning, junk food is a break for the parents who are to blame fully for their offsprings’ future addictions. Bad food is fun – the industry makes sure of that with indiscriminately bright colors and liberally distributed balloons, so parents don’t have to break their backs entertaining the childs. It’s cheap – the industry understands its clientele and insures the attainability of junk foods. The menus are easy to read and order from – the industry puts out pretty pictures of its product, thereby ensuring the special “truth bond” with the customer who knows upfront what exactly they are buying and for how much – something not many industries can brag about (certainly, not the financial sector). Oh, yeah, it is also fast. And we know that patience is something of which neither the exhausted parents nor their hyper active rugrats have a lot.

Even though it’s customary to think that teenagers are “dumb” and therefore require constant supervision from the adults (particularly, when it comes to diet), in the case of junk food it’s quite the opposite. It is precisely because of the overwhelming adult involvement in the kids’ lives, children grow up to scarf down countless whoppers and burgers and stuff themselves with fries. They are simply raised that way!

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