Reviews | Lifestyle | Sample Text | TV/Film Reviews

Ozark: Cringe-Inducing Cliches and Uneven Ensemble Somehow Make For a Great Binge

The reason “Ozark” is such an easy and relatively pleasant spectacle is that it milks the bullet-proof TV success formula to the point of complete exhaustion: great talent on-screen, lots of ominous music and every possible cliche you can think of. Here you’ve got your “Free Bird” t-shirt-wearing redneck, an unhinged FBI agent with a weird…

Lifestyle | Crypto | Digital assets | Fintech | Sturtups

Social Distancing During COVID-19 Pandemic: Short Term Pain – Long Term Gain

Unsurprisingly, the hashtag #socialdistancing is trending on Twitter while the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the planet. Not just trending – booming. The introverted Gen Z culture has finally received a legitimate reason to stay glued to computer screens and spend little to no time outside. Gamers are now in the mainstream – downloads surge…

Crypto | Digital assets | Fintech | Lifestyle

Russia’s Capital Flight To The West: Showbiz Millionaires Seek To Buy Real Estate With Crypto

What do Russia and cryptocurrencies have in common? Both are being scrutinized very closely by the international business, both are mostly misunderstood and feared by many, yet both present some terrific entrepreneurial opportunities in the long run once appraised and regulated.  In the meantime, as the flight of fiat capital from Russia continues, the moneyed…

Available For Sale | Food and Drink | Lifestyle | Sample Text | Uncategorized

Vodka in Ukraine is National Pastime With One Particular Drink Standing Out

When you find yourself food shopping in Ukraine, one thing that tickles your buying bone is the wide availability of hard liquor. Be it a massive supermarket in the center of the capital city of Kiev or a dinky basement affair with numerous health violations written all over it, when it comes to the assortments…

Automotive | In Russian | Lifestyle

“The Main Colonel of the Land”: Interview with Konstantin Stogniy for AutoMirDRIVE

По просьбе “АвтоМир ДРАЙВ” Антон Шмеркин побеседовал с журналистом, путешественником и автомобилистом, автором нескольких документальных фильмов на самые животрепещущие темы Константином Стогнием. Глупость, бедность, коррумпированные американские таксисты и  десять Украинских министров внутренних дел – вот только часть тем, затронутых в разговоре. АвтоМир ДРАЙВ: Костя, вы может быть и не вспомните, мы как-то вместе тестировали Lexus…